parent coaching

Every family with a young child in the mix has many joys- a renewed sense of wonder, cuddles, laughter. And they also can have many challenges -toddler demands, toddler resistance, toddler tantrums and toddler “no’s!” Want to create a more peaceful and dynamic home environment that will work more effectively for your entire family? Marcia is available for in-person, and virtual support, to help you turn these challenges around.

What to Expect:

Parent Coaching concepts:

  • “Prepare Thyself” - Discover meaningful insights to help you connect with with your child or children by developing an effective, sustainable and meaningful parenting style

  • “Home Sweet Home” - Learn how to create collaborative activities for you and your child

  • “Children at their Best” - Guide behaviors for consistently positive outcomes

Visits: 2 session minimum, 1 hour per session


"The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one's self."

- Dr. Maria Montessori